
Optisys by SMPnet

Adaptive Grid Optimisation Software leveraging real-time data to maximise power grid efficiency, reliability, and security at any voltage level.

Optisys screenshot

About Optisys 

Optisys is an advanced software solution engineered to optimise power grids. By leveraging real-time data to make informed decisions, Optisys enables utilities to meet the dynamic demands of modern power distribution systems, including high penetration of renewables and fluctuating demand.

Optisys ensures alignment with all technical, operational, and regulatory requirements. In combination, this ensures an efficient, reliable, secure power grid that adapts to any condition.

Scalable Solutions

Scalable Solutions for Grid Stability

Adapts to any grid size and DER configuration without limitations, ensuring future-proof grid optimisation and uninterrupted system operation.

Wide Protocol Interoperability

Operational Resilience


Inclusion of fail-safe mechanisms against communication and data errors.

Energy and Power Market Coordination

Feedback-based Optimisation

Enhanced feedback-based optimisation based on real-time data allowing the maximum penetration of renewable energy sources.

Multiple Objectives

Energy and Power Market Coordination

Coordinates energy and power market agreements, leveraging renewables and demand forecasting.

Operational Resilience

Wide Protocol Interoperability

Ensures seamless integration and dispatch across various communication protocols.

Feedback-Based Optimisation

Multiple Objectives


Optimisation towards multiple technical, economic, environmental, and other objectives.

Key Benefits


Maximises current grid infrastructure use and minimises network losses, leading to significant cost savings.

Regulatory Compliance

Meets all regulatory requirements, maintaining system resilience against unplanned events.

Renewables Integration

Enables maximum penetration of renewable energy sources, supporting real-time decision-making for a sustainable future.

Grid Stability and Scalability

Enhances grid stability and adapts to evolving requirements, ensuring uninterrupted system operation.

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